Welcome to my new and improved website! I can’t tell you how excited I am to share it with you. I’ve been working away on it behind the scenes for weeks. It started off as a simple website redesign, because over the last year my website design skills have improved rapidly and I was at the point where my clients websites were better than mine! Not a good look for a graphic and website designer!.
So I desperately needed to upgrade which on Squarespace is pretty easy and would usually only have taken me a few days. But once I got started it just kept evolving until I found myself designing new graphics and banner images, re-writing pretty much all the copy on my website, changing email marketing systems and much more. All this took much more time than anticipated, but I have to say that it was worth it.
So what's new?
The Look
Obviously the first thing you’ll notice if you have been on my site before is that it just generally looks different (if not see pics below). I changed my Squarespace template from Avenue to Pacific which I absolutely love.
My website when using Avenue template
Pacific is now my favourite Squarespace template. I love that it has full width banner/background images and alternating background colours. You also have complete control over the content over banner/background images unlike other Squarespace templates. Any content block you can add to a page you can add to a section with a background image. This made creating my website banner images a breeze.
Free Giveaway
One of the other reasons it took me longer than expected to update my website is because I spent a lot of time creating a super special free resource for you. Say hello to The Design Vault!
The Design Vault is an online hub for all the best 100% FREE design resources and tools. No need to spend hours searching google to find the best free software, font or stock photo, it’s all in The Vault.
I wanted to create the Vault because when I was starting out and was DIYing my own design, because I couldn’t afford a designer, a resource like this would have helped me so much. Unfortunately one didn’t exist and I had to do all the searching and sifting out the junk myself. As a result I have built up a library of amazing high quality tools and resources and I wanted to share them all with you so you can save yourself the time and hassle.
New Design Packages
I have also upgraded and added to my design packages to make it easier for you to find something that suits your needs and your budget. I have included more features in some of my existing design packages and I've also added a brand new package especially for bloggers. Check out my Work With Me page for details.
My Focus
With the launch of my new website I have refined my focus. You will notice on my home page that I still focus on design, branding and blogging, that hasn’t changed. But on my about page you will see that I am now dedicated to not only working 1:1 with clients to personally design their brand and/or website, but I also want to help those of you who aren’t ready to invest in a designer and want to DIY your own design. This was exactly how I started out so I understand how challenging and scary it can be without the right tools and knowledge. That’s one of the main reasons I created the Design Vault.
And there we have it. I always love hearing your feedback so feel free to let me know what you think of the website upgrade in the comments below. I especially love getting suggestions of things you'd like to see on here so all blog post requests are also welcome :)