
Why You're Losing Motivation For Your Blog

Why You're Losing Motivation For Your Blog

During my time off (which you can read about in my previous post) I learnt a lot. The time offline really gave me an opportunity to reflect and get really honest with myself. Perhaps the most significant realisation was why I was struggling to find the inspiration and motivation to blog and 'go pro'. The week before I stopped blogging I had sent out an email to my subscribers (if your not already on the list you can join here) declaring my intention to, in the words of Steven Pressfield,  'go pro'. B-School had just started again and I was genuinely really excited to go through the course and really implement everything into my blog and business.

But then (ba ba bowww) I crashed. I was literally exhausted because I had spent the last 2 years with my wheels spinning, trying to find some traction to propel me forward. I was trying to create the life of freedom, passion and creativity I wanted and to become the person I've always wanted to be.

I just couldn't do it anymore. It all caught up with me and I was forced to face some things in myself and in my life that I had been avoiding. It was quite intense and I just couldn't find the motivation to blog or do B-School. Luckily I had enough insight to realise that I was feeling this way for a reason so I honored it and gave myself permission to have a break, while I explored what was really going on.

In my exploration I dug up one of the most valuable insights.